Why is it so hard to reach your goals?

You want to reach your health and fitness goals, right? You have the desire to exercise and eat in a way that will cause you to lose weight and/or get fit, don’t you? 

So why is it SO HARD to actually make it happen?

When someone starts out gung-ho about a program or idea about losing weight or getting more fit, they’re often so excited that they forget just how challenging it will be.

So where do you start? 

First, I suggest writing down realistic, measurable goals, and then having a reliable source of accountability. 

Second, make a list of limiting factors – those things that will potentially hold you back and make achieving your goals more difficult. Do you have children (or a husband) who are picky eaters? Do you come home too late to cook a healthy meal? Do you feel unsure what to do when you get to the gym? By identifying these limiting factors before you begin, you can think up strategies for how to work around them. This preemptive work can truly make all the difference in your success.

Once you’ve identified limiting factors and have created a plan for how to deal with them, you’re all set for success, right? Well, again, it’s not that simple because now you have to TAKE ACTION.

I can give you EVERY SINGLE TOOL you need to burn fat and get lean and strong, but it is up to you to implement them.

If you lose focus or the scale is barely moving, I want you to know that I am here for you to support you 100%. I want you to remember the big picture – what it will mean for you to look and feel better, to prevent disease, and to have more energy for the things that are truly important in your life. 

I am here to recognize and support your efforts and to celebrate your success. If you want to really succeed, you can’t go it alone. So share it all with me – your successes AND your challenges. Hit reply and let me know!

Or, jump into my next coaching group. You’ll get nutrition education, a meal plan and recipes, effective workouts, me as your coach, and your own tribe in a private community – sharing awesome wins, encouragement and support, and so much more.

Make it a great week!

Stay in touch!

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